Wednesday, June 28, 2006

80's Movie Review

Ok so this isn't a movie but it is from the 80's and you can rent it (netflix if you're cool) and yada yada yada...ok so its The Greatest American Hero. Oh boy this is a fun one. If you never watched the series Get the first season and watch it...all of it. This is pure 80's gold cheese. I love it.

And for those of you that left nasty little comments on this blog: well I wrote something, published it, and then thought, 'No, I'm not going to make ever single blog about spiritual things'. So if you want to spit at the fat kid, go ahead if it makes you feel any better. Sure I'm an easy target. Yeah I talk too much, but you know what, I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you but I don't like to hurt people.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday Morning Thought

Well it is the Lord's day and my wife and I are heading off to church at Petaluma. It will be a good time of singing and preaching. Although I will not hear the preaching because I will be in children's church. I don't teach I just enforce the rules...I'm the heavy.

Ok now for the thought for Sunday morning. I've been reading C.H. Spurgeon on grace and it is very good. He makes the gospel so clear and easy to understand. I would encourage you to pick up a copy if you can find it. It is called 'Grace: God's Unmerited Favor'. Spurgeon deals with the text of Scripture in Acts 15:11, "But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they." Spurgeon makes some wonderful observations on this text but I will only cite a couple. The first is how Peter compares himself to the gentiles! It shows his humility that he did not say, the gentiles can be saved like we can. NO! He says we can be saved like they can! Peter came to understand that salvation was by grace!

The second point is just a quote from the book, "We believe that if we are ever saved at all, we must be saved gratis; saved as the gratuitous act of a bountiful God; saved by a gift, not by wages; saved by God's love, not by our own doings or merits. This is the apostles' creed: salvation is all of grace from first to last, and the channel of that grace is the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved and lived and died and rose again for our salvaton."

For those of us that have been in church our whole life we must look at freshly saved sinners and say, "We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they!"

God bless you today,


Saturday, June 24, 2006

2 Posts in one day

Ok so I'm a little excited and I'm writing 2 posts in one day. This will never happen again so don't get used to it! This may become an addicting habit but I hope not because my wife will kill me.

Ok so 80's movies...a good 80's flick to enjoy if you haven't seen it before is North Shore. A fun surfing movie with lots of quotable lines. If you check it out let me know what you thought.

The First Post

Well I guess a few thanks are in order. I have to thank Jeremy and Josh for helping me get this started. I don't know if I'll ever really get into blogging but if I do I will probably focus on refomation theology and 80's movies. Let's start with the less important of the two and explain what I mean.

80's movies are simply the best. I've been hooked on 80's movies recently, such as Back to the Future, Say Anything, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc. Even though I've seen these movies hundreds of times they are always worth watching again. Some of you know what I mean, and for those of you that do...welcome to my blog.

As far as reformation theology that is wrapped up in the title of the blog, sons of the reformation. What does it mean to be a son of the reformation? It means many things for different people but for me it means specifically the doctrines of grace. I am an admirer of men like Luther, Calvin, Zwingly, d'Etaples, Spurgeon, etc. I do not follow these men! But I am proud to stand with such men as these. We who believe in these doctrines find ourselves in the company of God's mighty men! I am not worthy to stand in such company but by the grace of God, through the Spirit of God, I have been taught these wonderful truths.

So to all of you out there in the bloggin world - hello! Leave your commennts and I'll try and get back to them.

bye for now,
