Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dear Beamerpal,

Finally I'm getting to your comment. I thought it was such a good one it needed to be answered, and restated, for everyone. Beamerpal said,

"Another difficult issue is the different theologies developed from those equally devoted to study and equally people of faith (however, let say, scripture has only one truth. I wholly reject that it may have different truths for different people.) Someone here has a lack of true understanding, which one? (the other guy of course)"

First thing, what does everyone think about this issue? Can Scripture have two meanings? I agree with Beamerpal that Scripture has only one meaning, but now the questions rises, who's interpretation is right?

Second, what do we do with two people who are spirit led, educated, and have both set forth convincing arguments, that differ about the meaning of a passage of Scripture? What do you guys say?

My thought is this...while they cannot both be right (they can both be wrong!), you and I must be convinced in our own mind. In other words you and I have to make a decision about the issue. Paul said this regarding Christian liberties in Romans 14:5, "Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind." The same principle applies here, you must be convinced!

I have a lot more thoughts on the issue, but I want to throw this out there to get the conversation started. What do you guys think? How do we handle those who have different interpretations of the same verse, and both appear to be walking in the Spirit?


Blogger Peter Brown said...

I don't know.. Interesting thought though. I enjoyed your post and ideas, some that I hadn't thought of before.


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