Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back In the Saddle

So I'm back in school. Today was the first day of classes. I have to say I am beat. I less tired after a day of hard labor at Pace. It is, however, great to be back at school with the mates learning about Christ and His glory. I may just blog every now and again about some fact we talked about in class.

I'm taking the Theology of Preaching with Steve Fernandez and Phil Howard. Today we learned that the purpose of preaching is to glorify Jesus Christ. I don't know why I didn't guess it considering everything Steve teaches comes back to this one point. We looked at some texts which did in fact show that the goal of preaching is to show the wonders of our savior. The whole point of getting up in front of people on Sunday morning should be to show how glorious Christ is. This message is for both sinners and saints.

I'm excited to be starting my last year. I will keep you updated on the goings-on at TCS.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Look forward to hearing how things are going. I know Jeremy was tired yesterday too - we will see how tired he is after going early two days in a row. I am so thankful you all have TCS to attend. God is good!

Blogger J Crew said...

TCS is the best. Does this mean you will actually preach now?


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