Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just A Little Irritated...

Ok so I may open up a can of worms here and get a few people upset at me. I don't think I will because very few people read my blog. Probably because I don't write very much on it. I have a life you know!

So this is what has been irritating me lately. Using the word 'mystery' to any and all revealed Bible doctrine. When people don't want to think about an issue any longer they say this phrase, 'It is a mystery and we cannot understand it'. I have a problem with that phrase for several reasons I will give below.

1. This phrase, at its core and unintentionally by those saying it, attacks the clarity of Scripture. God gave us his Word to be understood. The Word was not given to make the darkness we live in darker, but on the contrary, it was given to be light.

2. The word 'mystery' is used in the Bible to describe a doctrine which was not known previously but has now been made clear. Example Romans 16:25-27, 1 Cor 2:7-12 and there are many others. These two are very clear.

3. It gives unbelievers strength in their argument that Christians do not think. Sadly too many Christians start here instead of spending time thinking and praying and reading and asking God to open up the meaning of Biblical doctrine to our hard and undiscerning hearts.

4. It dishonors God because his doctrine is worth spending time pondering and thinking over. Perhaps there is so much fruitless ministry these days because those ministering do not spending time laboring over doctrine.

5. Hiding behind the phrase shows a lack of faith. The Holy Spirit was given to help us understand what God has written. When we say that it cannot be understood we betray that we really do not believe the Scriptures promise to believers to illuminate our minds by the Holy Spirit.

I'm sure there are more reasons but I wanted to get the conversation going. So what do you guys think about the phrase and my short list of 5 reasons why I don't like it. Please add a few and question those I have given. I want to get this in the open and talked about. Let’s get ready to rumble!


Blogger Jeremy said...


I agree, however there must be legitimate room for mystery in our theology. For instance can anyone fully understand or explain the concept of Trinity, or the hypostatic union. Romans 11:33-36 tells us that the knowledge of God is unfathomable.

That does not mean we should not seek to think and understand what is being said, yes let us seek to explain Trinity, and those mysteries as best as we can, but we also have to fight pride in thinking and saying we know too much.

Blogger RJ-77 said...

Yes I absolutely agree. I am not addressing that issue yet. We'll get there.

Blogger Stephanie said...

RJ -

I do agree with your thoughts -however if there was no mystery at all, if I could understand it all, I wouldn't need God - - - and there would be no need for faith. As Jeremy pointed out - things such as the Trinity I will never be able to explain, it requires my faith - - - - -

However, this is no excuse for me to not study the scriptures and ask God to help me to understand the truths of His word. I need to be studying God's word, seeking His truths and through His spirit seeking to understand the truths of the word.

Blogger Ando said...

I'm with the Writebol's on this one. I understand what you're saying about folks just throwing up their hands and saying, "I don't get it." and ceasing any study about it, but there are some things that are mysterious. Or maybe unknowable is a better word. God's thought are not our thoughts, and like SJ said, if my small brain can understand everything, that doesn't exactly put God in the highest standing.

However, none of this means we shouldn't continue to seek to understand as much as we possibly can.

Blogger J Crew said...

I hear you RJ. There are things in God's Word that He has revealed that are a little harder to understand and yet, clear, once we study it out. Sometimes maybe our brains can't easily grasp it so we give up. So, I agree with you and the Writebol/Bauer thing.

Blogger Ando said...

Way to take a stand J Crew. Pbbbbbt.

BTW, not to dumb down the discussion...ok, maybe a little, but Josh and I have determined that RJ in Ecuador = Kevin Costner in Dances With Wolves telling the story about how he killed the buffalo.

Blogger J Crew said...

Amen to that Ando


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