Wednesday, September 06, 2006

We the Living, by Ayn Rand

I finished Ayn Rand's book. Two thoughts, good story, horrible philosophy. The protagonist is Kira a young girl wanting to live but is oppressed by the newly formed USSR. I won't tell the whole story here, in case you end up reading it, but I will discuss some of her ideology.

I enjoyed that Rand writes so accurately about communist Russia, the oppression, the hunger...etc. Her response, reacting to communism is as bad as communism itself, maybe worse. Rand is quoted on the back of the book that the main character Kira is the expression of her (Rand's) ideas, convictions, and values. Well all I have to say is her ideas are evil and sick, her convictions uncompelling, and values - what values? In the book Kira has two boyfriends, one she is living with...hum is that making a statement about values or ideas? At one point in the story Kira goes off on how believing in God is an excuse to not live life...and atheists have life? I thought the Bible said the fool says in his heart there is no God, and also that the one who has the Son (Jesus: who is God), has life...good 'conviction' Rand, maybe it should be downgraded to 'idea'.

I realize I'm ripping on the ideology of the book but really it was a good story and I would suggest reading it. Also it is good to see the philosophy that has shaped the world we live in. Rand is very individualistic which coincidentally so is our country. This book was written in 1937 so at the time I'm sure it was revolutionary. Hey maybe that was the goal of the book, to give those trying to bring revolution a cause - individualism? Well I hope some of you get the chance to read this book so we can discuss it. Remember good book, bad philosophy.



Blogger J Crew said...

Good thoughts RJ. What is next on your list before school starts and we don't hear from you because you are knee deep in homework

Blogger RJ-77 said...

Watership Down, but I don't think I'm going to start it b/c I won't have time to finish. So this may be it for the summer.


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