Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lord of the Flies

I finished my second book of the summer. Lord of the Flies. I'm not sure what I think about this book. The end of the book says they were crying over 'lost innocence'. Well we know that's not theologically sound. People aren't born innocent. Anyway...the book was a little disturbing hunting pigs, dead parachute men, pig heads on pikes, trying to kill each other, you know the standard drill. Basically it is a short story about summer camp.

I'm not sure if there were a few other meanings being communicated in the book. I wonder if he was trying to make a comment on British society specifically or Western society in general. The whole idea that breaking up into different groups is what led to the murder or Simon and Piggy...hum, I'm not sure but he could be trying to make a case for living together under common laws. So he may be saying that Western society is really better because we are a society of laws.

Or he could be saying that our divisions in society are what lead to murder and savagery. Could he be calling his readers to unite for the common good? I'm not sure yet as I just finished the book. Those of you who have read it let me know your thoughts.


Blogger Peter Brown said...

Might I suggest Robinson Crusoe The book is eaqually short, but the message is very clear.

Islands = bad, Friday's = goods

Blogger Ando said...


Though I did enjoy Hawaii.

Blogger RJ-77 said...

I'm sorry Ando...Hawaii, what the heck?

Blogger Ando said...

From Kludges comment..."Islands = bad." Hawaii is an island, and it is not bad.

Blogger RJ-77 said...

Ok...I read you now. I get it.


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