Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Count of Monte Cristo

Okay so I finished my first book out of 5. This tome was way different than the movie. The movie made the plot like look a Shel Silverstein special, while Dumas' book has so many twists and turns that I think I want to buy cliff notes just to make sure I understood it. Overall the book was good and I really enjoyed the read. In some points I couldn't put the book down. It only took about 3 weeks to read the (almost) 1500 pages. The end tried to be happy but I'm not sure how you can have a happy ending when the whole book is about revenge.

There were many religious themes in the book as well. Very Roman Catholic. The religious themes were interesting simply for the insight into how Dumas thought. So out of 4 stars I give The Count 3. So if you have some time and want to read a book that keeps you thinking read The Count of Corpus Monte Carlo...Monte Cristo.


Blogger Stephanie said...

I have not read the book (did see the movie) - might have to try it - but I do know I really love Monte Cristo Sandwichs - shows what I really enjoy huh?????? So do you like the book better or the movie - or are they so different it is hard to tell?

Blogger RJ-77 said...


They are so different that, in my opinion, they cannot be compared. I like both and enjoy both so you should read the book and tell me what you think too.

Blogger J Crew said...

That is a big book. It must be nice to have that kind of time.

Blogger Peter Brown said...

I loved this book, as I said earlier. The moive was the reason I decided to read it and I recall not being able to put it down.

Our 'hero' has so much many facets and depth in the book. The movie was a pop story by comparision. Not only did he feel deeply his capacity for revenge was unmatched.

The chapers with the son in the festival made you realize that this wasn't going to be a simple got you back story.

If you liked Dumas's style I would also suggest the Three Musketeers. Again the story is nothing like the movies. There is no disband musketeers or anything. A great plot and detailed narration... and only 600 pages or so.


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