Thursday, August 10, 2006

Look Who's Back

So I went to Ecuador with the team from Santa Rosa Bible Church and I have returned. It was a great trip. The team was good, the host families were good, the food was good, it was all good. I'm not much for writing these type of stories on the internet so when I see you guys throughout the upcoming days/weeks I'll be sure to tell you all about the trip. Beside JCrew and Ando are better story tellers on their blog. Just read theirs (they're linked) and you can come back to mine and respond, I was there for pretty much all of their stories too! I'll be back with some more confusing thoughts soon!


Blogger J Crew said...

we look forward to your insights RJ

Blogger Peter Brown said...

sounds good.

Glad your back safely! will look forward to the 'live' version.

Blogger Stephanie said...

Glad to have you back! I know that Julie is glad to have you home! I will look forward to hearing about the trip - as we see you - Jeremy and I enjoyed getting to bring your wives to you and hear your stories on the way home. Sounds like God did great things!


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